Saturday 20 July 2019

Your Gut, The Secret Key To Your Best Weight!

There are many people struggling to lose weight but whose efforts are being jeopardized by the state of their gut.

The composition of your gut bacteria can be such that there is not enough production of those chemicals that make you feel full when you eat. This way you would tend to eat excessively with a high threshold of satiation.
Obese people have been shown to have a lesser diversity in gut bacteria composition and that if the bacteria from such people are put into mice such mice put on weight.
People who have gut bacteria that can digest fiber produce thereby chemicals that help them lose weight.
A diet containing too much fat, sugar or calories may lead to increased inflammation resulting in weight gain.
When the gut is toxic there is a tendency for craving which can contribute to weight gain. When you undergo fasting and you detoxify your gut, such as with colonic irrigation, one of the observed consequences is that craving tends to subside.
Lastly because of poor lifestyle and dietary habits the colon tends to sometimes hold so much feces as to considerably affect the reading on the weight scale and the size of the abdomen.
It has been known, for example, that following four days of daily colonic irrigation on a diet of fruits and vegetables there is an average loss of four kilograms of weight.
In fact there have been records of loss of well over four kilograms in those who have accumulated a much bigger mass of feces.
Certain foods make for good gut health namely; whole grains, fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, fermented foods containing probiotics e.g. yogurt, sauerkraut, kombucha and kefir.
On the other hand sugary foods, artificial sweeteners and saturated fats tend to promote the growth of bad bacteria.
The use of the right probiotics supplement can also so modify the gut bacteria composition as to bring about the desired weight modification.
The state of the gut plays a much more important role than most people think.
Heal your gut and control your weight.

89, Adeniyi Jones Avenue, Ikeja
Lagos State
WhatsApp/Phone: +234 805 219 9938
Mobile: +234 802 305 4070

Telephones are also for:
Consultation appointments and Colonic irrigation bookings